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To excel in a world dominated by cryptography 

Bringing the possibilities and opportunities made possible with Web3blockchain and cryptoassets to government, industry and investors

Blockchain technology represents  a new system on which the entire infrastructure of society will be built upon- a new internet. Cryptoassets are the added tools that will make this possible.

Technological innovation has two overriding objectives- to reduce (human) physical effort and to quicken process(es) while ensuring that the relevant safeguards are in place. As a result, technology in both industry and business continues to cause tremendous growth in global trade and commerce. Business concepts and models are, therefore, continuously being revolutionised resulting in faster, more convenient and more efficient ways of engaging
in both industrial and commercial activity. Much of the latest in technology is today seen in
the disruption of traditional industry and commerce and two examples of this are the advent of blockchain technology and the emergence of a related asset class- cryptoassets.

Blockchain technology is an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between
two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way and without ownership from any one single entity. Information held on a blockchain exists as a shared — and continually reconciled — database that isn’t stored in any single location, meaning the records it keeps
are truly public and easily verifiable. This ensures the system remains decentralised, transparent and immutable and with all the advantages these features entail.
Blockchain technology is, therefore, set to disrupt many industries and other aspects of society in a way that will lower cost, drive efficiencies, reduce third-party reliance (disintermediation), enhance transparency and improve governance. It will further enable the digitisation, storage and trusted exchange of economic value. Understanding how this technology works and building their institutional capacity will clearly benefit organisations as they evolve in a highly dynamic digitalised landscape. Together with our partners, we assist organisations understand and implement this technology (as well as other Distributed Ledger Technology-related protocols) helping them build secure, trusted and decentralised environments that will optimise processes, remove bottlenecks, drive innovation and, ultimately, improve their bottomline.

Built on blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies or cryptoassets (which are of a far greater value than merely that as a medium of exchange) are powered by millions of interconnected peers acting within this globally-distributed network- the blockchain. These cryptoassets
come with a host of individual comparative advantages that provide real-life use-cases to manufacturing, banking & finance, supply chain & logistics, government, science & medicine and other industries. Our focus is on cryptoassets with a non-speculative use-case and that will provide products and services for use by hundreds of millions and, eventually, billions of people worldwide. As both society and industry continue to adopt blockchain technology over time, so will the demand for cryptoassets grow. Their low correlation to traditional asset classes also means that cryptoassets are a great tool for diversifying client portfolios to achieve scheduled mandates.

Custodians of client wealth are today struggling to fulfil client mandates in a financial world dominated by unending 'quantitative easing'- QE (and the 'bubble' risk that this entails), near-zero interest rates and an ever-declining demand for commercial real-estate. We assist
custodians and managers of wealth understand and navigate this new asset class (cryptoassets) for the benefit of their clients. We insist on a long-term and patient investment strategy to clients based on making marginal allocations consistently over time regardless of market conditions. The history of cryptoassets, thus far, shows that cryptoasset prices may fluctuate, even violently at times, but that both innovation and adoption continue to grow. 
Our aim is to also further partnerships and consultations with key stakeholders in a bid to help facilitate institutionalisation of the space. We believe that this is a necessary next step for cryptoassets to achieving greater trust and scale.

At Blockchain and CryptoAsset (K) Ltd. we, therefore, aim to bring the use and advantages of both blockchain technology and cryptoassets to the fore by acting as advocate while serving the needs of our clients through implementation and advice.


© 2020  Blockchain and CryptoAsset(K) Ltd.

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